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Custom Directory Source Code



Find Instance using a directory string (|Compile|)[Start:Instance][Directory:string] -> Instance

  • Start: Is the starting instance, to search through
  • Directory: Is the directory to compile/find Example: “PlayerScript/Folder/Script”

Build Directory

Build a directory string using a table of instances (|BuildDirectory|)[…:{ Instance }] -> string

  • : Is the table of instances to make to directory

Find Directory

Find the directory string of start and end instance (|FindDirectory|)[Start:Instance][RootEnd:Instance][IncludeEnd:boolean] -> string

  • Start: Is the starting instance of the search
  • RootEnd: Is the end instance to end the directory search
  • IncludeEnd: If true then it includes the rootend instance in the string Defaults to true


local CustomDirectory = require(CustomDirectory) -- Require the module

print(CustomDirectory.Compile(game, "Workspace/Folder/Part")) --> Part
print(CustomDirectory.BuildDirectory(workspace, workspace.Folder, workspace.Part)) --> "Workspace/Folder/Part"
print(CustomDirectory.FindDirectory(workspace, workspace.Folder.Part, true)) --> "Workspace/Folder/Part"
print(CustomDirectory.FindDirectory(workspace, workspace.Folder.Part, false)) --> "Workspace/Folder"