(|NewManager|)[name:string][inputs:{Input}][type:”Vector3” | “Number” | “Boolean”][deadzone:number | nil ?] -> Manager
- name: is the name of your manager,
- inputs: is a list of your inputs that you want to use for your manager,
- type: is the return type when your input is activated,
deadzone: is if the gamepad thumbstick is stuck at like 0.0001232742 or -0.01232742 it will convert to 0 Defaults to 0.1
(|NewInput|)[input:Enum.KeyCode | Enum.UserInputType][inverted:boolean ?][axis:Enum.Axis | “X” | “Y” | “Z” ?] -> Input
- input: is the input for current input
inverted: is when it inverts the return type Defaults to false -
axis: is which axis to put the input on if manager type is Vector3 Defaults to X