Background Image


(|Manager|)[name:string][inputs:{Input}][type:”Vector3” | “Number” | “Boolean”][value:Vector3 | number | boolean][deadzone:number | nil ?][Began:Signal][Ended:Signal][UpdateInput:(Enum.KeyCode | Enum.UserInputType, Enum.KeyCode | Enum.UserInputType) -> nil]

  • Began: connect to it the like a normal signal by doing Began:Connect, fires when an input is activated. Parameter is the input value/manager.value
  • Ended: connect to it the like a normal signal by doing Ended:Connect, fires when an input gets deactivated. Parameter is the input value/manager.value


(|Input|)[Input:Enum.KeyCode | Enum.UserInputType][Inverted:boolean][Axis:Enum.Axis | “X” | “Y” | “Z”][InUse:boolean]

  • InUse: means that if the input is active then InUse is set the true if not InUse is set to false.